Shocking news: The cause of Charles Stanley death

{The following obituary appeared in the Rotherham Advertiser (Rotherham, England), Saturday, April 5, 1890, and has been kindly supplied by that paper for use in this book.}
We deeply regret to have to record the painfully sudden death of Mr. Charles Stanley, of Moorgate Grove, Rotherham, which took place while seated at dinner with Mrs. Stanley on Sunday last. The deceased gentleman had just risen for a moment, making a kind remark to his dog, returned to the table, sat down, and immediately died without even a sigh. He was present at the meeting room in Moorgate, Rotherham, on Sunday morning, and took part in the service.
For many years Mr. Stanley carried on business in Sheffield and Birmingham as an export merchant, and at one time did a very extensive trade with India in general Birmingham goods, which at one time necessitated his removing his residence from Sheffield to that town. About 26 years ago Mr Stanley was offered the sole right to work a French patent brought out by the brother of a great friend of his, and seeing that it could be turned to good account, he gradually gave up the Birmingham and Sheffield businesses. This patent was a new plan for chemically scouring wool, in fact for the extraction of oil or fatty matter from any material, seeds, &c. His son, Mr. C. L. Stanley (now of Oakwood, Rotherham, joined him at this time, and greatly improved the machinery and quickened the process, making the undertaking a great success. The works at Wath grew, and it is believed at the present time are the largest of the kind in the country. Necessary kindred departments followed, such as the distillation of oleine used in the process of spinning wool; the manufacture of stearine, also of artificial fertilizers, and lately the addition of soap making for woolen manufacturers and household soaps. The deceased gentleman, it is stated, retired from the business ten or eleven years ago in favor of his son, but he did not give up work. He labored hard, conducting a religious periodical, was the writer of a very large number of tracts, besides which he preached regularly and held a large correspondence all over the world.
Mr. Stanley never took any part in politics or any public matters. In religion he was strictly evangelical, and was a leading member of a body known as Brethren, who meet and worship in the simple form and way as adopted by the Apostles as described in Scripture. In connection with these services conducted at the meeting room, Moorgate, he was a prominent and consistent worker.
His end was terribly sudden, yet his sorrowing family and friends have consolation in knowing that his death was painless, being quite instantaneous. Mr. Stanley was 69 years of age. He leaves a widow, two sons (Mr. o. L. Stanley, recently removed from Wath to Oakwood, Rotherham, and Mr. W. A. Stanley, of East Farleigh, Kent), and two daughters (Mrs. Thos. Andrews, Wortley, and Mrs P. H. C. Chrimes, Plumbtree, Bawtry). The news of the sad event was received with deep regret throughout the town and neighborhood where Mr. Stanley was exceedingly well-known and highly esteemed. The cause of death is believed to be fatty degeneration of the heart. Dr. Oxley, of Moorgate, was the deceased gentleman’s medical attendant, and he was called in immediately Mr. Stanley was seized, but so sudden did death take place that all service was of no avail. Life was extinct before Dr. Ozley’s arrival. On Sunday evening the vicar of Rotherham (the Rev. Wm. Law), made a passing allusion to the melancholy event.
Mr. Stanley, who was a native of Brookhouse, preached his first sermon in 1835, when only fourteen years of age. This was at Laughton, and was brought about by the preacher announced failing to put in an appearance. He preached from John 3:16. He was left an orphan at the age of four, and was brought up by his grandfather, who was a man of strict integrity. During a period of forty-five years he preached at home and abroad, visiting most of the principal towns in England. For a number of years he preached three and four times a week. As a tract writer, Mr. Stanley was eminently successful. His railway tracts met with great success, and encouraged him to follow that line of work. No less than 130 separate publications in tracts or pamphlets have been circulated hearing the modest initials of “C. S.” During the Franco-German war Mr. Stanley’s tracts were the only protestant publications permitted to be distributed amongst the French army. His writings have been translated from time to time, and at the present period his tracts are reproduced in nearly all the civilized languages of the globe. Only recently a new tract was translated into Japanese. For the long period of 55 years he preached the Gospel, and on the occasion of his jubilee in the work of Christ, he preached from the same text as he had chosen for his first sermon. The deceased gentleman was also editor of a monthly publication called “Things new and Old.”
The Funeral
The remains of the deceased gentleman were interred on Thursday morning in the family vault at the Rotherham Cemetery. The cortege left the residence in Moorgate Grove shortly after 11:30, and the family and their friends proceeded to the Meeting Room in Moorgate, where a special service was conducted. The building was crowded with members and friends, which publicly manifested the high esteem with which the deceased gentleman was held. The blinds of the residents on the route were drawn until the funeral procession had returned from the meeting room. The address was given in the room by Mr. H. H. Snell, of Sheffield, the service altogether lasting a little over an hour. The mourners were: First carriage, Mr. C. L. Stanley, Mrs. Stanley (widow), Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Andrews (of Wortley): second carriage, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stanley (of East Farleigb, Kent), Mr. and Mrs. P. H. C. Chrimes (Plumtree, Bawtry); third carriage, Mr. C. H. Stanley, Mrs. C. L. Stanley, Mr. S. H. Burrows (of Sheffield), and Dr. Dyson (of Sheffield); fourth carriage, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chrimes, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kay; fifth carriage, Mr. J. H. Burrows (of Sheffield), Mr. F. Elgar (of Rochester), Mr. H. H. Snell, and Dr. Oxley (the deceased gentleman’s medical attendant); sixth carriage, Dr. Davy and family, of Sheffield; seventh carriage, Mr. Charles E. Chrimes and family. The private carriages in attendance were that which had been regularly used by the deceased gentleman and those of Mr. o. L. Stanley, Mr. R. Chrimes, Mr. P. H Chrimes, Mr. S. H. Burrows, and Dr. Davy. There were also present Mr. P. H. Stanley, the Misses Lillian Beatrice, and Irene Stanley; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barker, Otley; Mr. Moore, Mr. Hardy, Mr. Dawson, Mr. Someridge, Harrogate; Mr. Alfred Mace. London; Mr. Cutting, Derby; Mr. G. Morrish, London; Mr. J. Morrish, London; Mr. Bowen, O01erenshaw Hall, Whaley Bridge; Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, Scarbro’; Mr. Algernon Ramsden, Carlton; Mr. P. B. Coward, Mr. J. S. Ward, Mr. F. G. Myers, Mr. E. G. Cox, Mr. F. L. Harrop, Mr. H. Bray, Mr. J. M. Horsfield, Mr. W. H. Sheldon, Mr. Joseph France, Dr. Wolston, Nottingham; Mr. J. M. Radcliffe, Mr. J. Gillett, Mr. o. Fox, Mr. Pontis, Mr. Elgar Farnham, Kent, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Walsh, Cambridge; Dr. Snell, Sheffield; Mr. B. Brammah, Sheffield; Mr. Sharpley, Sheffield; Mr. Young, Hull; Mr. C. Spink, Chiselhurst; Mr. F. Smith, Hoyland; Dr. Branson, Mr. J. Dickinson, Mr. J. Rodgers, Mr. J. Hawson, Mr. H. Leedham. and Mr. H. Copley. A number of representatives were present from the works at Wath. The Brethren walked in front of the carriages. It was competed {sic} that from 700 to 800 persons were present at the grave side to pay their last tribute of respect to the departed. Mr. Snell again officiated and he was assisted by Dr. Davy, of Sheffield. The coffin was of polished oak, with solid brass mountings. Two wreaths were presented at the cemetery by the deceased gentleman’s grandchildren, Irene and
Harry Cecil Stanley, of Oakwood, and by Kitty and Ida Chrimes, of Plumtree. Mr. W. Barnett, of High street, Rotherham, had charge of the funeral arrangements, and Mr. James Hutchinson supplied the coffin.
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