Axl Rose involved in a terrible problem

What Went Wrong With… And What Is Wrong With… Axl Rose?

There’s so many annoying things about Axl Rose, the main thing is that despite being one of the biggest cunts in Rock music, he was a pretty good singer and performer in the eighties and nineties. But like many other musicians who eventually disappear up their own backside, Axl’s ego in the end destroyed the band Guns N’ Roses, and with his ever-increasingly over-the-top, expensive, yet almost meaningless music videos (which included oil tankers and dolphins) the group went further and further into the depths of crapdom. After the decent “Appetite For Destruction”, the overblown “Use You Illusion” I and II and the covers album “Spaghetti Incident” contained more bullshit than good shit and the group eventually disbanded. But before this officially happened (and possibly planning a mutinous takeover) Rose bought the name “Guns N’ Roses” conveniently before the split. Even though both Hollywood Rose and L.A. Guns were not his musical offspring, the moniker of this two-group-blend was (for some unknown reason) allowed to be kept by someone who wasn’t in either of the original lineups. The band in the noughties then became a weird Rock-version of Destiny’s Child; Axl Rose plus any Tommy, Dizzy, or Harry equalled Guns N’ Roses.

With a completely new lineup, Rose then took what seemed like eons to create the album “Chinese Democracy”, but when it finally arrived a decade and a half late, the LP (as it turned out) wasn’t worth the wait. Now that almost a decade has passed since this album’s release, and with Trump and Clinton as the two U.S. Presidential “choices”, we’ve come to the point where Chinese democracy is more likely than American democracy. So without any more ironically titled albums in the works and now looking like a fat-shell of his former self, these days you can catch Axl Rose pratting around reuniting with the original members of Guns or trying to replace lead singers of other groups like AC/DC. But forget all this lightweight criticism, Axl Rose is guilty of much worse than simply being egotistical and corpulent, it is his penchant for bigotry that is the most annoying aspect of this dated dick, so let’s get down to brass tacks…

Axl Rose comes from a long line of Rock-N-Roll domestic abusers, a fraternity that includes Tommy Lee, Ozzy Osbourne, Rick Allen, James Brown, and Ike Turner. Even Guns N Roses’ drummer Steven Adler and lead guitarist Slash have been arrested for domestic violence… that shit must be catching. So like an earlier and paler Chris Brown, this prick was known to beat up women and yet he was surrounded by swooning female groupies, something that strangely seems to go hand-in-hand with being a misogynistic cock.

Axl also wrote one helluva racist and xenophobic song titled “One In A Million” which can be found in Guns N’ Roses’ debut EP “GN’R Lies”. In this song Rose sang…

Police and niggers, that’s right, get out of my way. Don’t need to buy none of your gold chains today”

The song went on…

Immigrants and faggots, they make no sense to me. They come to our country, and think they’ll do as they please. Like start some mini-Iran, or spread some fucking disease. They talk so many goddamn ways, it’s all Greek to me”

These lyrics were heavily criticised during the time of the song’s release, but amongst the sane people like Arsenio Hall who denounced the song, people like the pseudo-liberal Sean Penn actually defended it, calling criticism of the song “pseudo-liberal hogwash”. I guess it was to be expected that a man who was arrested for assaulting Madonna would defend this type of shite, there’s always camaraderie between wife-beaters.

Not surprisingly, Axl Rose then tried to defend his racist track by saying “Why can black people go up to each other and say ‘Nigger’ but when a white guy does it all of a sudden it’s a big put-down?”. But whilst defending his use of the N-word, he failed to come up with an excuse for his line about people of colour bringing disease to his country… maybe someone should have pointed out Jeffrey Amherst to him.

Axl also brought N.W.A. into the mix stating “There’s a rap group, N.W.A., Niggers with Attitude. I mean, they’re proud of that word”. And like a cycle of fuckery, N.W.A.’s cunting frontman Dr. Dre also beat a woman and later signed a racist rapper to his label, the bigotry during that time almost ate itself.

Axl Rose’s ignorant lyrics which ignored the fact that America actually belongs to the Native Americans (thus making a ginger, freckled Caucasian just as much a foreigner as an Iranian) were part of his constant, nonsensical bullshit. The song “One In A Million” outlined Rose’s hatred for all “foreigners” including African-American, Latino, and Middle Eastern people but he routinely wore bandanas and N.W.A. baseball caps, and let’s not forget that he later styled his hair into cornrows and dreadlocks…the man is an antithetical arsewipe. Weirder still, he somehow convinced a few mixed-race or black female backup singers to perform with his group during concerts, and worst of all, Guns ‘N’ Roses’ own guitarist Slash is a mixed-race immigrant from Britain. Can the man be any more contradictory?

To add to his amazing list of personality traits, Rose is also a homophobe as well as being a wife-beating racist. Aside from his lyrics, this clichéd 80’s Rock-music anti-homosexual has been known to shout the dumbest shit to people he doesn’t approve of. Without acknowledging the irony, this moron once yelled at a heckler.. “you can suck my dick, faggot!”. This was utterly hilarious especially when you take into account that Axl is usually found draped in the manliest of outfits which has included fur stoles, skirts, leather-esque biker’s caps, leggings, and oh yes… long, back-combed hair. A man who once called himself a “pro-heterosexual” and who also said the contrived sentence “I’m not against them doing what they do as long as they’re not forcing it upon me”, is also a friend of Skid Row’s Sebastian Bach who I’ll point out wore a t-shirt reading “AIDS Kills Fags Dead” (despite looking very effeminate and half-dead himself). But after all this gay-bashing, Axl the switch-sider surprisingly appeared at the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert, and like a precursor to Eminem he used this stage-share with the sellout Elton John to appease his anti-homophobic criticisers. All this anti-gay, pro-gay flip-flopping is again pretty ironic since Axl Rose’s sound is somewhere between Judas Priest and Freddie Mercury from Queen, I bet it really niggles at him that his conscious or unconscious influences are foreign groups with gay lead vocalists, especially one born in Zanzibar with the birth name of Farrokh Bulsara.

Similar to Eminem (yet again) you’ll always get some idiotic fan defending Axl Rose’s bigoted bullshit, arguing some crap about second chances or social commentary, but all that shit doesn’t wash with me. Even within the greater Rock community, people like Kurt Cobain from Nirvana refused to tour with Guns N’ Roses because of their constant prejudice. According to an article in Kurt once said about Axl“The guy is a fucking sexist and a racist and a homophobe, and you can’t be on his side and be on our side”. I’d also like to point out that for all of Axl Rose’s “I’m not racist and my song isn’t racist” spiel, a white supremacist named Ian Stuart Donaldson from the Neo-Nazi group Screwdriver covered “One In A Million”, so I guess that’s pretty conclusive.

More recently seen with a very gay-looking handle-bar moustache, wearing a big-fuck-off hat and various other old-man embellishments, Axl Rose now looks like the end result of Carrot Top, Keith Lemon, Frank Miller, and some honey-glazed ham going through the teleporter in The Fly, coming out of the other side like some sad, old, overweight blob with fly-away hair. Looking like he does today, regardless of whether he’s back with some of the original lineup of Guns N’ Roses or fronting AC/DC, who really wants to see this hate-filled, has-been on stage any more?

Performing worldwide but usually arriving late, Rose; a sufferer of rubella, swine flu, scarlet fever, and strep throat, needs to take his disease-spreading, faggot-looking, honkey arse back to where he came from. And just like Axl Rose I’ll ask about that sentence… why all of a sudden is this a big put-down when I say it?

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