SO SAD: Ray Davies Officially Announce To Leave The Kinks Due To…

Newly knighted rocker Ray Davies tells Event about his old mate Elton, how he got ripped off with The Kinks and his doomed affair with Chrissie Hynde

On July 27 Sir Mick Jagger released an urgent EP, Gotta Get A Grip/England Lost, targeting Brexit, immigration and terrorism. That afternoon, sitting in his front parlour, Sir Ray Davies CBE, considers his chateau-dwelling contemporary’s edgy effort.

‘How inspired,’ The Kinks kingpin hisses, his voice dripping with sibilant sarcasm. ‘I haven’t listened to it yet, but we’ve had the decorators in and I’ve been busy watching paint dry in the bathroom.’

Davies has agreed to a rare interview to discuss his forthcoming performance at Proms In The Park, where he will reimagine a selection of his best-known songs with the BBC Concert Orchestra.

The last time he appeared in Hyde Park, in the summer of 2013, he was filling in for a poorly Sir Elton John, whom he insisted on referring to throughout his turn as ‘Bunter’. ‘There was a horn section in the Sixties called the Mike Cotton Sound,’ Davies recalls. ‘Elton wanted to join them as a keyboard player and they called him Bunter because he looked like the character Billy Bunter from the TV series – a little fat schoolboy snitch with glasses – so I picked it up from them. ‘He’s a good guy, Elton,’ he relents. ‘Lovely personality. He opened for The Kinks in the Fillmore West in California but it only had one dressing room, and as we were topping the bill, Bunter had to change in the toilets.’

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