He is Leaving for Good: Canadiens key player admit he want to leave

New information on Martin St-Louis’ departure: insider has just revealed that the truth in this story should come

It seems there is a lot of hypocrisy currently in connection with the unfortunate situation in which the head coach of the Montreal Canadiens, Martin St-Louis, finds himself.

His absence is obviously causing a stir, especially since he is probably one of the five most well-known public figures in Quebec at the moment. (and one of the most present in everyday news)
The positive side is the huge wave of love and support that followed the announcement of his departure. It’s really beautiful to see, but one can also understand those who believe that it’s causing too much talk right now.
In short, as part of a radio column, published in the last few minutes, see what Max Truman mentions:
“It’s funny because there are a lot of pure journalists, 5-6 pure journalists, real journalists, who called me or texted me on Sunday because they know that I might dig into this information, so they don’t dig but they still want to know. (the real story)

What we picked up (as information) on Saturday, was nonsense and full of false rumors.

Yesterday, it started to clear up and this morning I had a few people who all had the same information, from credible sources.

It’s not… I think it would need the family’s OK to release it (publicly), but it should come out (the truth). That’s my… That’s all I have to say, it’s not the f…”

In light of this column, Truman seems to believe that the organization and Martin St-Louis would possibly benefit from simply stating what happened, or at least giving more details, in order to quell many ridiculous rumors that are circulating.
Maxime Truman seems to know the truth in any case.
On her part, his colleague Patricia Vincent doesn’t seem to agree with him.

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