NOT AGAIN: Pastor Joel Osteen Breaks Down In Tears As He Lost his wife in a

Joel Osteen — Get Over It


I want to talk to you today about “Get over it”. Too many people go through life thinking somebody owes them something. They didn’t have a perfect childhood, now they’re offended at their parents. They got laid off after years with the company, they’re offended at a boss.

Or maybe they came down with an illness, life threw them a curve, they went through a divorce, didn’t get the promotion, now they’re offended at God. They’ve got a chip on their shoulder, bitterness on the inside. “If God was so good, how could he let this happen to me”? No, God never promised that life would be fair, but he did promise if you would stay in faith, he will take what’s meant for your harm and use it to your advantage.

Nothing that’s happened to you is a surprise to God. The people that raised you may not have given you everything you needed, it may not have been fair, but that didn’t catch God off-guard. Don’t use it as an excuse to be bitter, thinking that you got cheated.

If you’ll get over it, God will still get you to where you’re supposed to be. The person that did you wrong in a relationship, the betrayal, the divorce, it may have been painful, it wasn’t right, but if you’ll get over it and quit reliving all the hurt and pain and start moving forward, then you’ll come in to the new beginning God has in store.

My message today is very simple, and I say it respectfully: whatever wrong that was done, whatever is causing you to feel sour, whatever seems unfair, get over it. “Well, Joel, all my friends are married. I’m still single”. Get over it. Don’t let that bitterness take root. That will keep the right person from showing up. “Well, I wish I was a different nationality. I wish I came from a different family”. Get over it.

God knows what he’s doing, God wasn’t having a bad day when he created you. You are not at a disadvantage. You have been fearfully and wonderfully made. “Well, Joel, my friends, it seems like they’ve got more going for them. He’s more talented. She’s more beautiful. I feel like I got shortchanged”. No, get over it. You have exactly what you need to fulfill your destiny. “Well, they did me wrong. They left me out”. Get over it, and God will make it up to you. Get over it, and God will fight your battles.

I’ve heard it said you can be pitiful or you can be powerful, but you cannot be both, and instead of sitting around thinking about all the reasons you have to feel sorry for yourself, the bad breaks, the disadvantages, you’ve got to take the hand you’ve been dealt and make the most of it. Nothing that you’ve been through has to keep you from becoming all God’s created you to be.

My mother had polio as a child. She had to wear a brace on her leg. Now one of her legs is much smaller than the other leg. When she goes to buy shoes, she has to buy two pair of the same shoe because her feet are different sizes. She could have been embarrassed by that, shrunk back, tried to hide it, let it cause her to feel less than, but she never did. She knows she’s been made in the image of almighty God. Growing up, that never kept her from wearing a dress.


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