SAD NEWS: The Blue Jays star athlete has just been sacked due to……


Stoeten: The Ten Worst Things About The Sad Sack Blue Jays during the first half.
MLB’s annual All-Star break concluded on Thursday night, as the Rangers and Astros began the second half of the season. The rest of the league is taking an extra day off before returning to play, including the Toronto Blue Jays, who will begin their second half on Friday night in New York. But, as the league tries to look ahead — to pennant races, playoffs, and beyond — there are some aspects of the first half of the season that remain in our minds. Or in my head, at the very least.

Though the Blue Jays had a few good stories, a few impressive prospects, and some overall progress, the first half of 2019 was not particularly successful. The team was fortunate to have the NBA champion Raptors capturing so much of the nation’s sporting attention, because there was so much about the Blue Jays that, if you were brave enough to continue watching, would undoubtedly leave a bad taste.

So, today I’m here to try to get rid of some of that bad taste. To spit out as much of the garbage from the first half, to look at what the hell we all just consumed, and to hopefully never

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